Our Subscriptions

If you want fresh flowers all year long, you’re in the right place! We have lots of subscription options, there’s something for every budget. Scroll down to see our FAQ’s because we know you want to know when it starts, if we deliver and what to do when you’re traveling.

“In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends.” 

― Okakura Kakuzo

Now serving the Anderson/Cottonwood area!

Want a flower subscription but live in an area we don’t deliver to? We now have a pick up location in Downtown Anderson at Transform Health & Aesthetics. Simply purchase a “Pick up” Subscription and we’ll deliver it, then you can pick it up at your convenience! When you purchase just send me an email telling me to bring your flowers to Anderson.

Every Week Summer Subscriptions

Summer - Every week picked up

This summer subscription includes 14 weeks of beautiful mixed bouquets that you pick up each week. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Summer - Every week delivered

This summer subscription will be delivered right to your doorstep and include 14 weeks of mixed bouquets. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Every Other Week Summer Subscriptions

Summer - Every other week pick up

This summer subscription will include 7 weeks of mixed bouquets that you pick up every other week. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Summer - Every other week delivered

This summer subscription will include 7 weeks of mixed bouquets delivered right to your doorstep. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Monthly Summer Subscriptions

Summer - Once a month pick up

This summer subscription will include 4 weeks of mixed bouquets that you pick up once a month. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Summer - Once a month delivered

This summer subscription will include 4 weeks of mixed bouquets delivered right to your doorstep. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include 10-14 stems.


Spring Subscriptions

Spring - Pick up

This spring subscription will include 5 weeks of bouquets that you will pick up. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include a variety of our spring flowers. Some will be mixed bouquets, some will be all specialty daffodils.


Spring - delivered

This spring subscription will include 5 weeks of bouquets that we’ll deliver to your doorstep. Each bouquet will come in a Mason jar, and will include a variety of our spring flowers. Some will be mixed bouquets, some will be all specialty daffodils.


A Year of Flowers - Spring & Summer Subscription

A Year of Flowers - Picked up

Never have to head to the grocery store for flowers again, just head to the farm! This subscription will include 5 weeks of specialty spring blooms AND 7 weeks of mixed summer bouquets.


A Year of Flowers - Delivered

Never have to head to the grocery store for flowers again, instead have them delivered to your door! This subscription will include 5 weeks of specialty spring blooms AND 7 weeks of mixed summer bouquets.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does it start? Spring subscriptions start mid-March and are 5 weeks, but not necessarily consecutive weeks. It’s all weather dependent. Summer subscriptions begin Late-June, however I can't answer this with 100% guarantee because Mother Nature is in charge! What I can tell you is that last year the garden started filling in around mid-June and lasted until our first frost at the end of October. Once you sign up for your subscription, I will send an email when it gets closer, to let you know what's happening in the garden.

  • What happens if I'm out of town? Don't worry, you have options! If you plan to travel this summer, you have 3 options: 1- Arrange with a friend, or family member, to pick up your bouquet. They will love getting to enjoy your flowers! 2- Double up when you get back. If you miss a week, just get 2 bouquets the next time, and have one in the kitchen and your bathroom! 3- Donate it to a local business. We live in a small community and I'm sure all of them would love to receive flowers! If you choose to donate, I will make your bouquet and deliver it to one of the amazing little businesses in our small town.

  • What do I get? The Spring Subscriptions are not all mixed bouquets, some are just 10 stems of daffodils or tulips, no filler, no fluff, just beautiful spring blooms. Others will be mixed bouquets, it all depends on the weather. The Summer Subscriptions includes 14, or 7, weeks of mixed bouquets, depending on which subscription your purchase. Each bouquet will be 10-14 stems and come in a Mason jar, with flower food. The Monthly Subscriptions will include 4 weeks of mixed summer bouquets, available the first week of every month, July through October.

  • Where do you deliver to? Delivery is only available in the Palo Cedro and Redding areas. If you prefer pick up, or live outside the delivery area, I have drop off locations in Downtown Redding and Downtown Anderson. This means you can purchase a “pick up” subscription and then once a week I will take your flowers to one of our pick up locations for you to pick up at your convenience. If you are interested in delivery but have questions, please feel free to email me. If you want to pick up at one of our pick up locations, please email me when you purchase your subscription, so I know which one to deliver your flower to.